Death's Oath Occultist (3.19) - ~4.8k life/1000 ES. 3-5 Mil. dps
35 Exalt budget~

General information
  • PROS
    • Good clear speed
    • Can run any mod
    • Good at harvest
  • CONS
    Not enough single target dps for Maven/The Feared
Movement Speed(possibly)
By reaching maps your setup should look like this
This setup with 4-Link would allow you to farm T1-T5 rare maps
you can find the detailed leveling guide
+1 to level of all chaos spell skill gems
Chaos DoT Multi (crafted)
Gear progression
Life flask
Divine Life Flask
Any mana flask
Enduring Eternal Mana Flask
Quicksilver Flask (movement speed)
There are 2 Movement Speed flasks which are good for us :
quicksilver flask
Quicksilver flask
Silver Flask with bleed immune
You can craft it by using Alterations, might take 10-20+
Reduced charges is the best thing you can roll as Prefix
Silver Flask
I would not recommend to roll it with alts, better to buy it
Jade Flask with freeze immune
Jade Flask
You can craft it by using Alterations, might take 10-20+
mana leech dex jewel
*Items and colored Text contain promts on hover and links on click
*Items and colored Text contain promts on hover and links on click
Flask setup
Life Flask with instant life recovery

You can also craft it :
Take Divine Life Flask and roll next stats by using Alterations
All three stats roll together, it might take 10-20+ alts to roll this
Other Instant apply rolls are also acceptable for first time
(Use Glassblower to add quality to Flasks before crafting / to ones you bought
Would recommend to buy second Life Flask for this purpose
Take Profane Bloom for better clearspeed
Here you can find current UberLab scheme
Best helmet enchant is 'Increased Despair curse effect(30%)'
The primordial chain coral amulet
Next step is to finally switch to Caustic Arrow/Death Aura. You would need next items :
When you swap from Curse setup into Caustic Arrow - add Blasphemy to apply Despair as aura to make Profane Bloom explode work (you would need mana reservation efficiency explicit on helmet (Eater of worlds)
Vaal Blight (use against bosses)
When you have 6-Link Bow - alt spam until you catch '+2 level of socketed Bow gems. When you have it - use regal orb and bench craft 'Chaos damage over time multiplier' (or damage over time if no multi)
6-Link Imperial Bow
6-Link Imperial bow
Change your passive tree as well :
Death's Oath
Make sure to have Cane of Unravelling/2 wands, Tabula
and complete flask setup before going uber lab
6-Socket Death's Oath
(No need to link them)
Quiver with Damage over time multiplier
Buy the cheapest and use Jeweller's orbs to make 6 socket. Do not forget to quality it up to 20% before start spamming Jewellers
You want 2G-2R-2B
Required stats : 180str/212dxt. Your gear should contain ~50 str in summary
This setup would allow you to farm red maps
Death's Oath
Cane of Unravelling
Greatly increases your dps. Might be expensive at day 1 of the league
If you have 2 wands with +1 to level of chaos skill gems - you may skip this
1. Life Sustain
2. Take base jewels as you level up, they should cost 1-2c day1
3. Cluster jewels (remove Unwaveringly Evil from Large cluster filter
On taking small cluster jewel - add Defiance Banner
Also buy an amulet with +1 to level of all chaos spell skill gems
You can craft it by using harvest chaos reforge on any ilvl75+ amulet (5-10 tries)
Uber Lab info :
base jewel
Pantheon : Soul of the Brine King + Soul of Aberath
Soul of the Brine King : Put the Mineral Pools Map and Divine Vessel into the Map Device and run the map. Talk to Sin when you kill the boss (Can be found close to act6 Town Waypoint)
Repeat with Atoll Map for the next Tier
Repeat with Coral Ruins Map for the next Tier
Soul of Abberath : Put the Summit Map and Divine Vessel into the Map Device and run the map. Talk to Sin when you kill the boss(Can be found close to act6 Town Waypoint)
When you complete Soul of the Brine King Pantheon you will no longer need Freeze Immune so you take increased Armour/Duration on Granite Flask
To figure out what maps you have to run to complete the pantheon - open atlas and enter it's name
Every league maps are different
If you choose 'The Searing Exarch' in map device - Soul of Abberath is mandatory
because of burning ground from Searing exarch monsters
If you choose 'Eater of Worlds' - you can switch to Soul of Yugul for '30% reduced effect of curses on you' , but i would not recommend going eater of worlds in map device because of a specific mod which makes your projectiles miss, which makes boss fights much harder
Remove Shield charge if you no longer have a shield equipped
large cluster jewel
medium cluster jewel
small cluster jewel
Your further setups :
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
EarlySetup>MediumSetup Item Order/Explanations
Iolite Rings
Flask setup
Helmet with '30% increased Despair Curse Effect' enchant
Buy base and craft with Deafening Essence of Envy
Use until you have some res + prefix for bench life craft (3-5 essences needed)
Do not forget to use Noxious Catalyst before crafting
Divine Flask with antibleed
Granite Flask
Jade Flask (anticurse)
Forbidden Taste with enchant
'Used when you take a Savage Hit'
Impresence Onyx Amulet with Anoinment
When you get the anoinment - remove passive points and invest them into cluster jewels
As anoinment you should choose Corruption
Required Oils :
If the price is too high - decrease life and resistance numbers (check filter)
Large and Medium cluster jewels
You can buy bases and use reforge chaos (Harvest) to make it cheaper
Imperial Bow (middle version)
Bow would highly increase Caustic Arrow damage
Bow Crafting guide
Important to add Empower to Caustic Arrow setup as you get the bow
as it provides a lot of damage (remove Conc Effect)
Base Jewels
You should be buying the jewels as you leveling
up the character and reaching the sockets
Use Noxious Catalyst to increase damage
Quiver with damage over time multiplier
You can buy base and use reforge chaos (Harvest) to make it cheaper
Armour and Evasion flasks should have 'Used when Charges reach full' enchant
Use Instilling orbs and crafting bench to put the enchant on your flasks
Helmet, Boots and Gloves
Helmet, boots and gloves should contain any amount of evasion on it to make mastery work (already in filter)
You should take this cluster when you have 'suppress spell damage' node on both boots and gloves
If you have tree points but do not have the nodes on gear yet - buy and insert second medium cluster into big one and take spell suppress cluster later on as you have the suppress on boots/gloves
Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds implicits :
While a unique enemy is in your presence, + chaos DoT Multi (Searing Exarch)
Chance to suppress spell damage (Eater)
Cooldown recovery rate of Travel Skills (Searing Exarch)
Increased movement speed (Eater)
Increased Despair curse effect (Searing Exarch)
Mana Reservation Efficiency (Eater)
When you get the amulet - link Punishment to Despair/Blasphemy to have it as aura
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
MediumSetup>EndgameSetup Item Order/Explanations
Maraketh Bow (Endgame version)
Bow would highly increase Caustic Arrow damage
Bow Crafting guide
Difference between setup : Bow, Quiver, Inspired Learning and Awakened gems. You can also buy Armour/Evasion flasks with better rolls
Inspired Learning
Faster mapping and survivability but losing some single target dps
Tree changes
While a unique enemy is in your presence, + chaos DoT Multi (Searing Exarch)
Chance to suppress spell damage (Eater)
Cooldown recovery rate of Travel Skills (Searing Exarch)
Increased movement speed (Eater)
Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds implicits :
Increased Despair curse effect (Searing Exarch)
Mana Reservation Efficiency (Eater)
Duo to rare monsters changes in 3.19 inspired learning might work worse