Split Arrow/Puncture Gladiator - 30-40 ex (3.18) - ~37 Mill damage per snipe, good mapper
4.5k life, 90%+ phys damage reduction, 95%+ spell suppression chance

General information
  • PROS
    • High single target
    • Great Mapper
    • Can run both reflects
  • CONS
    • Early setup aint that good at doing Jun missions
Movement Speed(possibly)
By reaching maps your setup should look like this :
This setup with 4-Link would allow you to farm T1-T5 rare maps
Keep in mind that you cannot play phys reflect yet
you can find detailed leveling guide
Gear progression
Life flask
Divine Life Flask
Granite Flask
Granite Flask
Quicksilver Flask (movement speed)
There are 2 Movement Speed flasks which are good for us :
quicksilver flask
Quicksilver flask
Jade Flask with Freeze Immune
Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask Effect
Jade Flask
I would not recommend to roll it with alts, better to buy it
Quatz Flask with anticurse effect
Quartz flask
You can craft it by using Alterations, might take 10-20+
mana leech dex jewel
*Items and colored Text contain promts on hover and links on click
Flask setup
Life Flask with instant life recovery and bleeding immunity
Would recommend to buy second Life Flask for this purpose
Take Outmatch and Outlast
Here you can find current UberLab scheme
Best helmet enchant is '40% Increased Lacerate Damage'
Jack, the Axe Vaal Hatchet
Jack, the Axe Vaal Hatchet
Uber Lab info :
Pantheon : Soul of the Brine King + Soul of Abberath
Soul of the Brine King : Put the Mineral Pools Map and Divine Vessel into the Map Device and run the map. Talk to Sin when you kill the boss (Can be found close to act6 Town Waypoint)
Repeat with Atoll Map for the next Tier
Repeat with Coral Ruins Map for the next Tier
When you complete Soul of the Brine King Pantheon you will no longer need Freeze Immune on the flask
Granite flask with attack speed
Big cluster jewel
Base jewel
Great Old One's Ward Corrugated Buckler
The Nomad Studded Belt
The Nomad Studded Belt
The rest gear
This setup would allow you to confidently farm maps up to T16
Once you have all of the above - you can start saving currency to switch into Split Arrow/Puncture Setup
Great Old One's Ward
dext amulet
Grants level 20 Thirst for Blood skill
Make sure to activate it for more bleed dps and life regen
To figure out what maps you have to run to complete the pantheon - open atlas and enter it's name
Every league maps are different
You should have ~30 dext/30 int on your gear in summary (check trade filters)
When axe and shield are equipped -
You may have a question - why would we not switch into split arrow/puncture right after acts? - to have enough single target from puncture you MUST have Assailum which cost 50c at day1 and 5c at day2 of the league
We will make a Lacerate setup which can do red maps and then when the helmet is cheaper - switch into Split Arrow/Puncture
Soul of Abberath : Put the Summit Map and Divine Vessel into the Map Device and run the map. Talk to Sin when you kill the boss(Can be found close to act6 Town Waypoint)
If you do not have currency for both Axe and Shield - buy a shield from vendor and use any life/res essence
Tabula or normal 6-Link
Tabula Rasa Simple Robe
Base Jewels (x4)
Base jewel
After buying cluster jewel - buy 2 additional base jewels
Check the filter to combine stats to find the best offer
6-link armour
Anointment - Acrimony (Clear oil + Black oil x2)
Increased Vulnerability Curse Effect (Searing Exarch)
Increased Duration of Ailments (Eater of Worlds)
While a Unique in your presence - increased phys DoT Multi (Searing Exarch) Chance to suppress spell damage(Eater of Worlds)
Increased movement speed/action speed (Searing Exarch)
Bleeding you inflict deals damage faster (Eater of Worlds)
Setups :
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
EarlySetup Explanations
Flask setup
Assailum Sinner Tricorne
Divine Flask with antibleed
Granite Flask
Silver Flask with life regen
Quartz Flask with anticurse
Turquoise Amulet with DoT Multi
Required Oils :
Highly increases your puncture dps
From now on use snipe to trigger socketed bow skill
Large and Medium cluster jewels
You can buy bases and spam phys reforge in Harvest
Citadel Bow, ~200-450+ pdps
Citadel Bow with high physical dps and damage over time crafted
You can buy a base and spam phys reforge in harvest while you play Lacerate setup or just buy a finished bow, it should be cheap cuz non-meta
Base Jewels
The filter contains 1 life and 4 dps mods. Choose depends on what you miss the most
Heavy Arrow Quiver
You can buy a base and spam reforge phys in Harvest
If you get lucky you can catch both phys DoT Multi and DoT Multi with attack skills
Flasks should have 'Used when Charges reach full' enchant
Use Instilling orbs and crafting bench to put the enchant on your flasks
Helmet, Boots and Gloves
Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds implicits :
While a Unique in your presence - increased phys DoT Multi (Searing Exarch) Chance to suppress spell damage(Eater of Worlds)
Increased movement speed/action speed (Searing Exarch)
Bleeding you inflict deals damage faster (Eater of Worlds)
Increased Vulnerability Curse Effect (Searing Exarch)
Increased Duration of Ailments (Eater of Worlds)
The Red Dream
This jewel used to sustain Endurance charges
We use Acrimony as anointment
To craft life regen on flask - roll any good prefix ( reduced charges used, increased duration) and have empty suffix
Pantheon : Soul of the Brine King + Soul of Abberath
If you have not enough dext/int - take +30 nodes
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
EarlySetup Explanations
Flask setup
Assailum Sinner Tricorne
Divine Flask with antibleed
Granite Flask
Silver Flask with life regen
Quartz Flask with anticurse
Turquoise Amulet
Required Oils :
Helmet with Pride/Malevolence mana reservation efficiency
The enchant will allow to add malevolence to your setup
(requires helmet enchant + amulet anointment + enlighten gem)
Hard to find that ring on trade but easy to craft
Buy a base with 'Vulnerability on hit'
Make sure it is the only Warlord's mod on the ring
Buy a base with 'Reduced effect of curses on you'
Make sure it is the only Crusader's mod on the ring
Use Awakener's orb (Right click on Awakener's orb, Left click on Donor Amulet (Warlord's one), Left click on Main Amulet (Crusader's one with chaos res imlicit)
Craft Life or Channelling skills have -3 manacost (use Imbued catalysts)
Citadel Bow, ~250-700+ pdps
2 methods to craft the bow :
1. Cheap way to get 200-600 pdps bow :
Buy a base with fractured phys and spam Veiled Chaos Orbs until you get a veiled prefix + an empty prefix > craft ' minions deal increased damage' > unveil the prefix and take phys dps (it's garaunted) recraft 'adds phys dps' using bench
2. More expensive method to get 250-700 dps bow :
Buy a base with fractured phys and spam Deafening essence of Contempt until you Buy 1 empty prefix + 1 empty suffix > Add 'Prefixes cannot be changed' > T4 Aisling, If you got veiled prefix - add 'minions have increased attack speed' using bench > unveil taking phys dps (it's garaunted) and add damage over time as suffix using crafting bench. If T4 Aisling gave you a suffix - repeat with 'Prefixes cannot be changed' and use T4 Aisling until veiled prefix
Inspired Learning Crimson Jewel
You can now gain modifiers when kill rare monsters. Highly increases clear speed
Heavy Arrow Quiver
If expensive - remove flat phys implicit from the filter and try again
You can buy a base and spam reforge phys in Harvest
If you get lucky you can catch both phys DoT Multi and DoT Multi with attack skills
Flasks should have 'Used when Charges reach full' enchant
Use Instilling orbs and crafting bench to put the enchant on your flasks
Boots, Gloves and Body Armour
Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds implicits :
Body Armour
Gain 1 rage on hit with attacks (Searing Exarch)
Chance to suppress spell damage(Eater of Worlds)
Increased movement speed/action speed (Searing Exarch)
Bleeding you inflict deals damage faster (Eater of Worlds)
Increased effect of non-curse auras from your skills (Searing Exarch)
Increased Pride aura effect while in presence of a Unique enemy (Eater of Worlds)
Thread of Hope
Discipline of the unyielding gives you Endurance charge sustain
You can now remove The Dream jewel and get Inspired Learning instead
We use Charisma as anointment
To craft life regen on flask - roll any good prefix ( reduced charges used, increased duration) and have empty suffix
Before crafting a bow - try to buy it
Bleeding builds are non-meta and high dps bows should be cheap
(note that bows with fractured phys can be difficult to buy both at the first days and at the end of the league
Cluster jewels
Student of decay is what you want to have on all medium cluster jewels
As a second skill you want Flow of Life
Student of Decay + Flow of Life might be expensive, if so - try to replace Flow of Life with Wasting Affliction. If still expensive - replace Wasting Affliction with Circling Oblivion (check the filter)
Also i would recommend to have one medium cluster with Brush with Death to for a better life sustain

Small cluster jewel with Born of Chaos
Buy one with 2 small passives if u need more chaos res for cap
Last important thing about cluster jewels - you should have flat dext/int on them if possible (check the filter)
Vulnerability on hit + anticurse Ring
If you have no money for awakener's orb - you can get a ring with only Vulnerability on hit and get the final ring later
Buy a lvl 80+ ring with Warlord's influence and use caster reforge until you get Vulnerability on hit + some res and craft life/channelling skills have -3 manacost
Ring with high resistance
Try to have ~40% chaos res and ~100% ele res on it in summary (use prismatic catalysts)
Glorious Vanity Timeless Jewel
Once you have 80+ chaos res - you can buy the jewel
(can be expensive at first days of the league, if so - skip until the price drops)
Use Intrinsic catalysts to increase attributes
To finally add Malevolence to your setup - buy Enlighten and link it to Pride-Malevolence-Determination. You should have at least one 'channelling skills have -3 to total manacost' craft on amulet/rings
Ryslatha's Coil Studded Belt
Highly increases bleed dps
Use Abrasive catalysts for even more dps
Body Armour/Gloves/Boots with spell suppression
I would recommend to buy all three items at the same time
Forbidden Flame/Flesh Crimson Jewels
Allocates Bane of Legends
From now on you can play physical reflect
Pantheon : Soul of the Brine King + Soul of Abberath
If you have not enough dext/int - take +30 nodes