Creeping Frost Occultist - 40-50 ex (3.17) - ~30 Mill Dps
4k life/1500ES, 70% phys reduction, 50% chance to evaid

General information
  • PROS
    • High single target
    • Great Mapper
    • Can run any map mod
    • Scales well from acts to red maps
  • CONS
    • Bad at doing Maven/The Feared
Movement Speed(possibly)
By reaching maps your setup should look like this :
This setup with 4-Link would allow you to farm T1-T5 rare maps
Keep in mind that you cannot play ele reflect yet
you can find detailed leveling guide
Gear progression
Life flask
Divine Life Flask
Enduring Eternal Mana Flask
enduring eternal mana flask
Quicksilver Flask (movement speed)
There are 2 Movement Speed flasks which are good for us :
quicksilver flask
Quicksilver flask
Jade Flask with Freeze Immune
Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask Effect
Jade Flask
I would not recommend to roll it with alts, better to buy it
Silver Flask with cast speed
Quartz flask
mana leech dex jewel
*Items and colored Text contain promts on hover and links on click
Flask setup
Life Flask with instant life recovery and bleeding immunity
Would recommend to buy second Life Flask for this purpose
Take Void Beacon
Here you can find current UberLab scheme
Best helmet enchant is 'Creeping Frost Dmg/Pen Ele Res (boots)'
Taryn's Shiver Maelström Staff
Taryn's Shiver Maelström Staff
Uber Lab info :
Pantheon : Soul of Lunaris + Soul of Abberath
Soul of Lunaris : Put the Moon Temple Map and Divine Vessel into the Map Device and run the map. Talk to Sin when you kill the boss (Can be found close to act6 Town Waypoint)
Repeat with Arcade Map for the next Tier
Repeat with Crimson Temple Map for the next Tier
Flask effect does not queue
(Buy flask with empty suffix to craft reduced manacost when 6-Link)
The rest gear
dext amulet
Highly increases your dps
To figure out what maps you have to run to complete the pantheon - open atlas and enter it's name
Every league maps are different
This setup will allow you to handle maps up to T16
Soul of Abberath : Put the Summit Map and Divine Vessel into the Map Device and run the map. Talk to Sin when you kill the boss(Can be found close to act6 Town Waypoint)
Weapon/Helmet/Vaal Haste
Tabula or normal 6-Link
Tabula Rasa Simple Robe
Base Jewels (x5)
Base jewel
2 multiplier mods + 1 other mod, if you cannot afford - remove 1 multiplier mod (check the fliter)
6-link armour
Anointment - Divine Judgement
Increased Frostbite curse effect (Searing Exarch)
Damage penetrates cold resistance (Eater of Worlds)
Spread freezes you inflict (Searing Exarch)
Inflict Cold Exposure on Hit (Eater of Worlds)
Increased movement speed/action speed (Searing Exarch)
Cooldown recovery rate of travel skills (Eater of Worlds)
dext amulet
large cluster jewel
Large Cluster Jewel
Vaal Haste
Vaal Haste
Use active skill vs map bosses
Insert Creeping Frost setup inside the helmet, you will get almost a 5-Link due to '+2 to level of socketed gems'
If you find corrupted one with '+2 to level of socketed Cold/AOE/Proj/Duration/Spell gems' implicit - it would almost be a 6-Link in terms of dps
Keep in mind that the item is STR/INT based and it is not that easy to get 2Blue/2Green on it
Setups :
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
EarlySetup Explanations
Flask setup
Void Battery x2
Divine Flask with antibleed
Enduring Mana Flask
Jade Flask with antifreeze
Dying Sun
Ashes of the Stars
Required Oils :
Highly increases your dps
One Battery grants quite the same amount of damage as Taryn's Shiver
If you have currency for only 1 Battery - buy it and use cheap wand with '+1 to level of all cold gems' till second Battery
Crest of Desire and Divergent Creeping Frost
Adding both Helmet and Gem to your setup must happen at the same time
Helmet gives additional quality to socketed gems while the gem gives additional projectiles per 20% quality
You can have up to 5 additional projectiles (30-50% from helmet + 20% from gem itself + 30% from Ashes of the Stars)
Helmet with max level/qual rolls is very expensive, you want +8 levels/+30% qual at least
When you buy them you no longer need your old 6-Link, use Body armor for other gems
If you do not have enough currency to buy both the items - skip them and return later
Base Jewels
You want 2 Crit Multi on it and Str/Dext if possible (check the filter)
Boots with Elusive on Crit
You can buy a base and use Crit reforge in Harvest to guarantee Elusive
Use until you have Life/Res + Elusive and craft Movement speed/Onslaught on kill
Flasks should have 'Used when Charges reach full' enchant
Use Instilling orbs and crafting bench to put the enchant on your flasks
You should have ~90 Str/Dext on your gear to have enough stats for 20/20 gems
Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds implicits :
Freezes you inflict spread to other enemies (Searing Exarch)
Inflict Cold Exposure on Hit (Eater of Worlds)
Ring with Frostbite on Hit
Non-channelling spells have -7 to manacost craft is mandatory on both rings!
When you have the ring - remove Bane + Frostbite, leaving only Elemental Weakness
You can add Arcanist Brand to Elemental Weakness if needed
We use Overcharge as anointment
Pantheon : Soul of Lunaris + Soul of Abberath
If you have not enough Str/Dext - take +30 nodes
Gives us 2 additional projectiles which decently increases our dps
Should be purchased after helmet/gem
Gives us more projectiles for divergent creeping frost
When you have Helmet/Divergent Creeping Frost/Ashes of the stars - add Hatred to your setup
If the amulet is expensive - use the filter to decrease reservation roll to make it cheaper
Body Armour with Spell Crit Chance
You can buy a base and use Crit reforge in Harvest
Use until you have Spell Crit chance/Life/Res and craft 'Gain 10% of Max Life as Extra ES'
I would recommend to buy it when you have helmet so you do not have to buy another 6-Link
You can buy a base and use Caster reforge in Harvest to craft it (requires 5-10+ tries)
Use until you have Frostbite on Hit 32% + Life or Res, Craft Life or Res
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
EndgameSetup Explanations
Vaal Regalia (Spell Crit Chance/Frenzy on Hit/Additional Curse)
Inspired Learning
Crafting method :
Buy Vaal Regalia (6-socket/5-Link is enough, no need 6-Link)
Buy and use Hunter's Exalted orb on it
Use Crit Reforge in Harvest until you get T1 Spell Crit Chance (1.01% min)
(Make sure it is the only Hunter's mod on the item)
Buy any body armour with 'Frenzy on Hit'
(Make sure it is the only Redemeer's mod on the item)
Use Awakener's Orb (Left click on donor item > left click on Regalia)
Move to Crafting bench > Suffixes cannot be changed
Use Caster Reforge to add Additional Curse
Add '10% of max life as max ES' on crafing bench
When you get the item - Link Arcanist Brand(lvl1) and Sniper's Mark to Elemental Weakness
Militant Faith Timeless Jewel (High Templar Dominus)
Devotion mods we are looking for :
Cluster Jewels
One large cluster should contain Blast-Freeze
When you have it - reroll Searing Exarch imlicit from 'freezes you inflict spread to other enemies' to 'chance to unnerve enemies on hit'
Jewels should contain Str/Dext if possible (check the filter)
Flasks should have 'Used when Charges reach full' enchant
Use Instilling orbs and crafting bench to put the enchant on your flasks
You should have ~90 Str/Dext on your gear to have enough stats for 20/20 gems
Searing Exarch and Eater of Worlds implicits :
Chance to Unnerve enemies on Hit (Searing Exarch)
Inflict Cold Exposure on Hit (Eater of Worlds)
Forbidden jewels
Pantheon : Soul of Lunaris + Soul of Abberath
If you have not enough Str/Dext - take +30 nodes
Increases clear speed
Take next notables to make it work
Watcher's eye with -10 to total manacost for non-channelling spells
This jewel would reduce all manacosts except Vortex to zero
You no longer need a manaflask which been used for maps with no manaregen
You can replace it with Diamond Flask with reduced curse effect
Make sure to have 'Frenzy on Hit' on your chest when you get Watcher's eye
Filter contains a couple of mods in addition to -manacost one
Check them and buy the cheapest one, if you are poor but want to forget about manaflask - remove dmg mod to make it cheap
You must have max roll on manacost (-10) and -7 on both rings for zero manacost
Add Clarity(lvl1) to apply minus manacost mod
Jewels would make you immune to reflected elemental damage
4% increased Area Damage per 10 devotion
4% increased Elemental Damage per 10 devotion
+2% to all Elemental Resistances per 10 Devotion
If you do not have issues with capping ele res - take one with increased damage mods
Buy the cheapest and use Divine Orb to roll Dominus Variant
Make sure the jewel does not affect notables in radius and take Inner Conviction
Boots with Elusive/Tailwind on Crit
Crafting method :
Buy boots with Res implicit and Penetrate enchant
Buy and use Redeemer's Exalted orb on it
Use Crit Reforge in Harvest to get Elusive on Crit
(Make sure it is the only Redemeer's mod on the item)
Buy any boots with 'Tailwind'
(Make sure it is the only Redemeer's mod on the item)
Use Awakener's Orb (Left click on donor item > left click on main item)
Add 'Increased Movement speed/Chance to gain onslaugt on kill' on crafing bench
This build was made generally for mapping
If you want more single target dps - remove Inspired Learning and spend the points on crit chance/crit multi on the tree
Remove Forbidden jewels and buy more base jewels
Determination Aura
To add Determination aura to your setup you would need to buy one Enlighten lvl3 for chest aura setup and one for Punishment Aura, also you should buy Awakened Blasphemy for Punishment aura as well
When you add the aura - replace Jade Flask with Granite Flask