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Corrupting Fever/Reap Gladiator(3.25) , scales well from act1 to endgame
~5k life/additional ele dmg resistance/100% avoid ele ailments
500 life regen/sec/90% phys reduction/90% chance to block attack/spell damage/ up to 10 Mil. dps
Middle version would cost you 3-5 div. Final one - 50-100 div

General information
  • PROS
    • Good clear speed
    • Can run any mod
    • Good at Harvest/Expedition
    • Scales well from act 8 to endgame
  • CONS
    Acts are not that simple
    Hard to scale single target dms above 10 mill dps
    Can't do physical reflect until forbidden jewels
Movement Speed(possibly)
+1 to level of all phys spell skill gems
Physical DoT (crafted)
By reaching maps your setup should look like this
This setup with 4-Link would allow you to farm T1-T5 rare maps
you can find the detailed leveling guide
If you for some reason do not have Vaal Reap yet - buy it now and level in off hand

You can temporarily remove one gem from Reap and Faster Attacks from Shield Charge if you do not have enough sockets yet
Would recommend to buy second Life Flask for this purpose
Take War of Attrition
Here you can find current UberLab scheme
Gear progression
Wands (+1 to level of all phys spell skill gems)
Should cost 1-3c on the first day of the league
Add phys DoT on the bench (Suff)
Make sure to have enough Int for the items you buy
Wand should have a high base attack speed (1.3+)
Wand/Shield/base jewel
This setup will allow you to handle red maps, you must have lvl 19+ Vaal Reap to farm T16
Anointment - Acrimony (Clear+Black+Black)
You can buy a base and use Phys Reforge in Harvest to make it cheaper
*Items and colored Text contain promts on hover and links on click
Uber Lab info :
Soul of Lunaris : Put the Moon Temple Map and Divine Vessel into the Map Device and run the map. Right Click on the vessel to unlock the bonus
Repeat with Necropolis Map for the next Tier
Repeat with Peninsula Map for the next Tier
Soul of Yugul : Put the Cursed Crypt and Divine Vessel into the Map Device and run the map
Right Click on the vessel to unlock the bonus
Pantheon : Soul of Lunaris + Soul of Ryslatha
The rest gear
Tabula / Regular 6-Link
Base Jewels (x6)
Large Cluster Jewel (2)
Turquoise Amulet with +1 to all level of phys skill gems
Add Vitality+Arrogance and Fortify to Shield Charge
Flask setup
Life Flask Instant life recovery and bleed immunity
Granite Flask / Increased Armour
Quicksilver Flask / Movement Speed
Silver Flask / Reduced Effect of Curses
Life Flask / Freeze immunity
Base jewel with mana reservation efficiency is mandatory to fit all the auras / activate Determination

Phys DoT Multiplier craft can be received from unveiling veiled items (Jun) and is a suffix

Before buying an int shield with +1 to phys gems make sure to have enough chromatic orbs to use 'two red' bench craft
To figure out what maps you have to run to complete the pantheon - open atlas and enter it's name
Every league the maps are different
If you can't afford - remove life/res from the filter
Your further setups :
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
MediumSetup Item Order/Explanations
Buy a base > 'Caster reforge' using Harvest Bench
Keep using until you get at least 30% of any resistance and craft life
Ring with Vulnerability on hit
Buy a ring with a Life on Hit asap
Searing Exarch / Eater of Worlds implicits :
Body Armour
Increased effect of non-curse auras from your skills (Searing Exarch)
Pride has increased aura effect (Eater)
Life regeneration rate (Searing Exarch)
Increased action speed (Eater)
Increased Vulnerability curse effect (Searing Exarch)
Enemies have reduced Life Regeneration rate (Eater)
Phys DoT Multi(Searing Exarch)
Piece +1 Target (Eater)
You can replace Pierce support with Faster Attacks when you have +2 Pierce on gloves (implicit and bench craft) and +1 on helmet(bench craft)