Freezing Pulse Totem Hierophant 3.15
Max version has 2500 Life / 1k ES which is enough
Kill Bosses in seconds. Also allowed to farm 60% delirium maps

General information
  • PROS
    • Fast clear speed
    • Good league starter
    • Great Boss damage
    • cheap
  • CONS
    • Elemental Reflect is annoying
Movement Speed(possibly)
By reaching maps your setup should be looking like this
This setup would allow you to farm T1-T5 rare maps
you can find detailed leveling guide
Flat lightning damage
Gear progression
Sceptre with cast speed
Hybrid Flask
Hybrid Flask
Jade Flask
jade flask
Quicksilver Flask (movement speed)
There are 2 Movement Speed flasks which are good for us :
Quicksilver flask
Quicksilver flask
I would not recommend to roll it with alts, better to buy it
Silver Flask with cast speed
Silver Flask
You can craft it by using Alterations, might take 10-20+
6-Link Chest
Tabula Rasa
6-Link would give you +40% dps compared to 4-Link
mana leech dex jewel
*Items and colored Text contain promts on hover and links on click
*Items and colored Text contain promts on hover and links on click
Flask setup
Hybrid Flask with instant life/mana recovery

You can also craft it :
Take Hybrid Flask and roll next stats by using Alterations
All three stats roll together, it might take 10-20+ alts to roll this
Other Instant apply rolls are also acceptable for first time
(Use Glassblower to add quality to Flasks before crafting / to ones you bought
This setup would allow you to farm T1-T13 rare maps
Evasion Flask
Shield with Increased critical strike chance for spells mod
When you get those items feel free to complete UberLab
Would recommend to buy second Life Flask for this purpose
Buy Twice Enchant for additional use of the Divine Font if needed
Take Divine Guidance which would give you damage and survivability
Here you can find current UberLab scheme
Best helmet enchant is '40% increased Freezing Pulse Damage'
Check 'Early setup' to see craft info
Your further setups :
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
This setup would allow you to farm T1-T13 maps
Lvl requirement for all the links is <80
Sceptre/Shield craft :
Use Screaming Essence of Misery on Sceptre of normal rarity
Use Screaming Essence of Scorn on Shield of normal rarity
Add one of next mods via Crafting Bench if there is a space left :
'Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells'
'#% increased Spell Damage'
#% increased Cold Damage
#% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
Move to Oriath Docks, talk to Weylam to buy Sceptre and Shield
Add one of next mods via Crafting Bench if there is a space left :
'Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells'
#% increased Cast Speed
'#% increased Spell Damage'
'#% To Resistance'
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
This setup would allow you to farm T16 maps
EarlySetup>MediumSetup Item Order/Explanations
Soul Mantle/Kikazaru rings/Self-Flagellation
You can start from 4-Link
Soul Mantle curses you with a random hex every time you resummon your totems
How to deal with the curses :
Buy and equip 2 Kikazaru rings which would give you 40% reduced effect of curses each
Sanctum of Thought will give you the rest 20%
Self-Flagellation will increase totem damage per curse on you
The Wise Oak Bismuth Flask
Penetrates #% Resistance of each Element for which your Uncapped Elemental Resistance is highest
Your cold resistance must be the highest
Update Hybrid Flask, Jade Flask, Quicksilver Flask, Silver Flask
*All items have promts and links on hover/click
MiddleSetup>MaxSetup Item Order/Explanations
Atziri's Reflection/Essence Worm rings
Gives curse immunity
Once you have the shield you can remove Kikazaru and buy Essence Worm rings
(Add Hatred to your gem setup)
Sanctum of Thought
node should be removed
Coward's Legacy
You count as on Low Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability
Allows us to get Pain Attunement
Thread of Hope (Very Large Ring)
The jewel would save you points
Try to have as much resistance on boots and gloves as possible